"Then Peter said, ....,
But this is what was said by the prophet YahEl (JoEl) :
In the last days, said EL YAH .
"I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and daughters shall Prophesy,
Your young men shall see Visions,
And your old people shall dream Dreams.
(All flesh Bena Issael, in this prophecy)
Yes, on My menServants and on My maidServants ,
I will pour out of My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders (MIRACLES) high in the sky (heaven),
And SIGNS down on earth bellow."
ACTS 2: 17-19
I come with A Prophetic Message ,
- For the tribes of the People who were and will be Servants of the Father,
- And for the Believers:
Revelations , Sanctification and Hope.
The Father gave me several signs ,
Who testify that he walks with me, In the work that I do, in his Name, guided by his Spirit.
I give you Seven (7) SIGNS that The Father has manifested in my life.
- 1st Sign : Vision - The Most High visits the Earth (2019)
True Vision!
(Prophetic book not found in some Bibles today).

- 2nd Sign : A Celestial Entity in the air (2019).
7th day: Saint day of SHaBat (Saturday)
Bantu Kongo (kikongo, lingala): SamBa, SaBala.
A very clear form of Heavenly Creature appeared in the clouds.
(Form of man, lion, eagle…)
The Celestial Entity looked like Cherub Angels ,
Described in the book of the Prophet EzekiEl; EZEKIEL 1: 1 to 13 .
For adult or spiritually advanced Believers :
To see the picture of the Celestial Entity, Click here (external page).
For meditation, ...
- 3rd SIGN : A Rainbow in the Sky (2020)
Exceptional !

7th day: Saint day of SHaBat (Saturday)
Bantu: SamBa, SaBala.
During the Feast of Tabernacles !
(from 30 Sept. to 7 October 2020)
" I have placed My Arc in the cloud ,
And it will serve as SIGN of alliance between me and the earth ”.
- 4th SIGN : A DOUBLE Rainbow (2020)

11 Octobre 2020
(7 days between this Rainbow and the one of 3 oct. 2020)

Parmi tous les peuples Ses merveilles !"
Psaumes 96 : 3
- 5th SIGN : A DOUBLE & FIRE Rainbow (2020)

14 October 2020
Universel Calendar (world) : Day 14 (7x2)
Calendar of The Kingdom : Day 29 (7x4 + 1),
Then, 28 (7x4) days after The Greatest Saint Feast of Trumpets (16 september),
The personal Feast of YAH, The LORD!

In the 7th Month of Kingdom Calendar :
The three RAINBOWs appearances have been integrated, October 3, 11 and 14:
7 is the number of the Father, the 7th month is His sacred Month!

7th Month - With the three Rainbows
Hallelu'YAH !
In addition, this 7th Month in 2020:
The New Moon follows The Feast of Trumpets (September 16);
The Full Moon follows The Feast of Tabernacles (from September 30 to 7 October);
And, the interval between New Moon and Full Moon = 7 x2 (14) days!
Glory to YAH !
The Father EL-Mighty!
- 6th SIGN : The Sign of SABAT in the Clouds (2020)
7th day: Saint day of SHaBat (Saturday)
Bantu: SamBa, SaBala.
His Name Be glorified!

In biblical hebrew, SHaBaT is written :

In Hebrew, it is the letter: SH , or S .
In other languages (Latin, etc.) it is the letter S.
In 2020 ,
7th day: Saint day of SHaBat (Saturday)
Bantu: SamBa, SaBala;
This Great Sign appeared in the clouds, "drawn" by the clouds!
"SHin" (21st letter, ש ), Hebrew letter which represents:
- The All-Powerful Father : his power, his strength;
- The Mighty Angel of YAH , The Conqueror King, YesuYAH .
This letter is in his two names: Ye Sh uYAH and Ma Sh iYAH !!
This King Will Come for Judgments : in the clouds (airs) , REVELATIONS (Revelation) .1: 7
Here is the revelation :
This letter from Shabbat in the Clouds
One day of Shabbat announces 2 things:
- 1. The MassiYAH is coming back soon!
- 2. The Protection of the Almighty will be upon His Children!
- And, The MassiYAH should return on a Shabbat !
(Just as He had indeed resurrected on a Shabbat !)
This Sign is the link with the other Signs or Wonders !
In the air (towards the sky), in the Clouds:
The MassiYAH will come from the clouds to the sound of the Trumpet !
"Mightier than the sound of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea,
YAH, The LORD on high is Almighty."
" Your testimonies are very sure (faithful);
Holiness befits (adorns) your house, O YAH (Lord)!
Forever. "
Psalms 93: 4-5
- 7th SIGN : KONGO (2020)
Baruk Ha Shem YAH KONGO!
Blessed be The Name of YAH (LORD) KONGO!
On the
7th day: Saint day of SHaBat (Saturday)
In May 2020, The Holy Spirit confirmed me this Sacred Name!
In a Bible of plus 2000 pages,
The Father’s Spirit led me DIRECTLY TO THE PAGE of
JEREMIAH 14 : 9.
Exactly when I asked The Father He tells me if "Kongo" is truly His Name.
And I then opened my bible, expecting a clue, an answer...
In this text:
The Yah’s People said in their prayer (supplication for forgiveness) to the Father :
« We are called by Your Name »
I shared immediately this powerful asiatance of The Spirit with some brothers!
His Name Be glorified!